Fraud in Nevada
Most of us have heard the terms “insurance fraud” and “securities fraud.” And we probably all know someone who has been a victim of one...

Voter Dollars Put to Good Use
In the recent past, ballot questions have served an important role to help fund critical capital improvement projects in Boulder City....

Favorable Finances Built on Firm Fiscal Footings
Boulder City’s financial status has never been better. That’s music to my ears, because one of my top five Mayor’s Vision priorities has...

Fabulous Finance
New leadership in the City’s Finance Department paved the way for better processes and greater efficiencies this past year. In 2018, the...

Don’t Leave the Fate of Earnest Money Deposit Funds to Chance
In almost any real estate transaction, the seller requires the purchaser to pay an initial deposit known as earnest money, which is...

Can I be held to my word?
Has anyone ever broken a promise to you? If that promise amounted to a contract, you may have rights to enforce it, including the right...

The Virtues of Compromise
When potential clients approach me to discuss their options for resolving legal disputes, filing a lawsuit is often foremost in their...

To Disclose or Not to Disclose
Nevada’s Residential Seller’s Real Property Disclosure Form Under Chapter 113 of the Nevada Revised Statutes (“NRS”), most sellers of...

Considerations in Buying and Selling a Business
Considerations in Buying and Selling a Business: Asset Purchase vs. Stock Purchase If you’re considering buying or selling a business,...

Covenants Not to Compete
Employers have a legitimate interest in safeguarding their business and good will. They sometimes seek to protect that interest by...