Is Your Estate Plan Still Your Plan?
Is Your Estate Plan Still Your Plan? The recent Covid-19 shutdown is a startling reminder that we can never be too prepared for life’s...

Powers of Attorney
Most of us have seen the frailties of life impact loved ones and friends. Unfortunately, diminished capacity, including the inability to...

Community Property
Nevada is one of only nine community property states. So it shouldn’t surprise anyone that community property is an area of law not...

Is Your Estate Plan Still Your Plan?
A client’s family member recently passed away with a properly executed estate plan, including all the bells and whistles. There was,...

A Guardian Angel Always Near
Guardianship is a legal process whereby the court appoints a person (typically a family member) to act on behalf of an individual who is...

Heir Apparent? Apparently Not.
Some time ago, a client presented her deceased husband’s will to me. Unfortunately, based on erroneous advice from a non-attorney, the...

Guardians of Your Galaxy
Guardianship is a legal process whereby an individual acts on behalf of another to care for his or her needs. Typically, it either...

Protecting Your Assets - Myths & Truths
We all run the risk of being thrust into litigation, facing potential judgments, and losing hard-earned assets. Unfortunately, simply...

Planning for Your Future in the Grand Scheme of Things
One of the main benefits of a living trust is it’s ability to pass your assets to loved ones without unnecessary expense, delay, or court...

Funding Your Trust
A living trust is an important estate planning tool designed to avoid time-consuming and expensive court entanglement when you die...