Your Vote Matters
This year, two City Council seats are up for election–Councilman Duncan McCoy’s seat and Councilman Cam Walker’s. Both were elected in 2009, and each is finishing his second 4-year term. As you may know, Councilman McCoy chose not to run for re-election. But Councilman Walker is seeking a third term. Joining Mr. Walker in this year’s race are John Milburn, Fritz McDonald, Warren Harhay, Kiernan McManus, James Stuckey, Eric Lundgaard, and Rich Loudin. Each will vie for one of the two at-large spots.
It seems that campaigning just started, but the election is just around the corner. Early voting for the Primary will last from March 22-25, 2017 at City Hall. The Primary Election itself will be held on April 4. On election day, you may cast your ballot at either of two vote centers, regardless of your precinct. One will be at the Recreation Center and the other at Martha P. King Elementary School. Don’t forget to check your ballot for voting hours.
Don’t think that the Primary is somehow unimportant. In 2011 when the last Primary was held, all three open seats were filled in the Primary. And in 2009 and 2007, at least one of the open seats was filled in the Primary. So the Primary matters, and your vote does, too. Of course, you must be a registered voter and a Boulder City resident in order to vote.
If both open Council seats aren’t filled in the Primary, then early voting for the General will take place at City Hall from May 31-June 3, 2017. The General Election itself will then occur on June 13, again at the Recreation Center and King Elementary.
If for any reason you can’t or don’t want to vote in person, you also have the option of voting by absentee ballot. Just be sure to request your ballot well in advance so you don’t miss any deadlines.
For more election information, please visit the City’s Elections page at or contact the City Clerk’s office at 702-293-9208. Thanks everyone. Let’s get out and vote!